Taking the LAMDA exam in Hong Kong
LAMDA is the biggest examining board for Speech and Drama in the UK.
LAMDA holds exams in Hong Kong. An adjudicator comes for a period of time and examines local students.
This examination means the student is alone in the examining room with the examiner (No one else is allowed in the examining room.)
The child will receive a note sheet with comments, and a certificate saying the child has gained a PASS, MERIT, or DISTINCTION.
My Experience with LAMDA
I have received the LTCC (LAMDA TEACHER CERTIFICATE COURSE) with distinction in both oral and written components.
I am a qualified by LAMDA LTCC teacher trainer, and have helped teachers to receive their own LTCC certification.
The LAMDA Exams
Introductory Exams - These are threebasic examinations exploring poetry and conversation skills designed to introduce the exams structure. These exams are designed for individual candidates.
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Graded Examinations in Speech- LAMDA’s communication examinations provide the opportunity to develop a clear speaking voice, positive body language and self-confidence by exploring different uses of spoken English.
Speaking Verse and Prose
Reading for Performance
Speaking in Public