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Taking the LAMDA exam in Hong Kong


  • LAMDA is the biggest examining board for Speech and Drama in the UK.

  • LAMDA holds exams in Hong Kong.  An adjudicator comes for a period of time and examines local students.

  • This examination means the student is alone in the examining room with the examiner (No one else is allowed in the examining room.)

  • The child will receive a note sheet with comments, and a certificate saying the child has gained a PASS, MERIT, or DISTINCTION.  



My Experience with LAMDA 


  • I have received the LTCC (LAMDA TEACHER CERTIFICATE COURSE) with distinction in both oral and written components.

  • I am a qualified by LAMDA LTCC teacher trainer, and have helped teachers to receive their own LTCC certification.



The LAMDA Exams 


Introductory Exams  - These are threebasic examinations exploring poetry and conversation skills designed to introduce the exams structure. These exams are designed for individual candidates.


  • Stage 1

  • Stage 2

  • Stage 3



Graded Examinations in Speech- LAMDA’s communication examinations provide the opportunity to develop a clear speaking voice, positive body language and self-confidence by exploring different uses of spoken English.


  • Speaking Verse and Prose 

  • Reading for Performance

  • Speaking in Public

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