My Background
I have been living in Hong Kong for the past 30 years. Over the years, I have had the great pleasure of working in local schools, allowing me many opportunities to guide students in their creative pursuits of speech activities and writing. Time has flown, and here are some of my achievements in my capacity as a teacher and as a writer:
worked many years as an oral examiner and assistant-examiner, HKCEE Paper 5, for HK Exam Authority.
helped hundreds of students gain Champion, 1st-runner-up and 2nd runner-up standings in the annual Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival.
helped hundreds of students gain Distinction, and Merit standings in the British LAMDA Communication and Speaking in Public examinations.
has been acting as an adjudicator for the Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association English Sub-Committee for many years.
sat on the English Sub-Committee of the Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association for four years.
presented numerous speech-training workshops for teachers on behalf of the HKMSA, and the English-Speaking Union, Hong Kong.
conducted the LTCC course (International Teacher’s Certificate in Communication) for LAMDA to local teachers.
was awarded a Commendation Certificate for Outstanding Professional Performance from the HK Education Department in 2001.
authored and co-authored:
Use of English: Writing
Supersets F.5,
Combined Certificate of F.4 & 5
Where’s the Word? series of seven books.